Dobar komšija - humanitarna akcija

U vremenu koje iziskuje beskompromisnost humanosti, empatije, altruizma i solidarnosti - obrazovati, odgajati i usmjeravati naraštaje koji dolaze u tom maniru je iznimno težak zadatak, kao i ostati na istom putu. Primjeri pozitivne prakse dolaze kroz saradnju Srednje medicinske škole Sarajevo i Fondacije bosanskohercegovačka inicijativa žena (BHWI).

Drugu godinu zaredom učenici Srednje medicinske škole iz Sarajeva zajedno sa voditeljicom projekta  „Dobar komšija“, profesoricom Ribanom Kadribašić, doprinose  širenju pozitivnih ideja humanosti, dajući podršku humanoj misiji Fondacije BHWI. Najranjiviji korisnici izbjegličko prihvatnog centra Salakovac i ove godine su 1.9.2020 primili donaciju koja će im olakšati boravak u našoj zemlji. U okviru projekta Dobar komšija Srednje medicinske škole iz Sarajeva BHWI timu je uručena vrijedna donacija: gitara, mali stol za stolni tenis, tri reketa, loptica, 58 DVD diskova sa crtanim filmovima primjerenim svim uzrastima djece, te edukativni DVD za učenje slova.

U vrijeme širenja pandemije COVID-19 obrazovanje i zaštita mladih nastavljaju biti jedan od priorita Fondacije BHWI-ja. Neformalni vid obrazovanja koji je dio prakse u izbjegličko prihvatnom centru Salakovac i saradnja sa lokalnom zajednicom su kategorički imperativ Fondacije BHWI koji se sprovodi u okviru projekta Pružanje psihosocijalne podrške osobama pod međunarodnom zaštitom, podržanog od strane UNHCR Bosnia and Herzegovina. 


In a time that requires uncompromising humanity, empathy, altruism and solidarity - educating and guiding the generations to come in this manner is an extremely difficult task, as well as staying on the same path. Examples of positive practice come through the cooperation of the Sarajevo Secondary Medical School and the Bosnia and Herzegovina Women's Initiative Foundation (BHWI).

For the second year in a row, students of the Secondary Medical School from Sarajevo, together with the project leader "Good Neighbor", Professor Ribana Kadribašić, contribute to the spread of positive ideas of humanity by supporting the humanitarian mission of the BHWI Foundation. The most vulnerable users of the Salakovac refugee reception center received a donation this year as well, which will make their stay in our country easier. As part of the Good Neighbor project of the Medical High School from Sarajevo, the BHWI team received a valuable donation: a guitar, a small table tennis table, three rackets, a ball, 58 DVDs with cartoons suitable for all ages, and an educational DVD for learning letters.

At the time of the COVID-19 pandemic education and youth protection continue to be one of the priorities of the BHWI Foundation. Informal education, which is part of the practice at the Salakovac Refugee Reception Center and cooperation with the local community are a categorical imperative of the BHWI Foundation, which is implemented within the project Providing Psychosocial Support to Persons under International Protection, supported by UNHCR Bosnia and Herzegovina.